Monday, 8 February 2010


Dundee is a very nice place. Nanny Linda and I stayed in the Apex hotel. It's extremely bear friendly. On Friday night we attended a reception for all her black worker bear members hosted by the Lord Provost of Dundee. Here we are.
On Saturday we attended nanny Linda's conference. There were lots of worker bears from all over the United Kingdom. They were all very friendly.

The conference was opened by a piper. he made a lot of noise. Here he is.
There was lots of talk about how too many worker bears are not having their voices heard. Nanay Linda said she agreed and she wants evryone to get invlved in the Communication Worker Bears Union. She said it was up to them and that she would give them all the ehlp, advice and support they needed. We also heard an inspirtational speech from Simon Wooley from Operation Black Bear Vote. he was good. He made eevryone feel better and more optimistic about the future. Like nanny Linda he said it was crucial that they organised themselves indivudally and collectively to increase their involvment in all sections of society. I like Simon. Here we are with Colin. He's the Chair of the Black Worker bears.


Bears can fly!

I've had a very exciting weekend for a little bear. Nanny Linda took me to a Black Worker Bears conference in Dundee. We started off from a place called City Bearport where we got on a strange looking machine called a bearoplane. It made a lot of noise which frightened me. Then it started moving and before I knew it I was flying. I wasn't bearsick at all. Wow! I met a new friend called Tony. Here we are at City Bearpot lounge.
And here I am with nanny Linda just before we got on the bearoplane.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

The Old Bears

Had a few hours in the Retired Bears Conference today. It was good. They did a lot of talking about what a difficult time they are having making ends meet. They are very angry about the amount of money someone called Gordon Brown Bear gives them to buy honey and stuff every week. I did not see him there. They are very nice people though and I made more new friends.Nanny Linda took some of them to her office for cups of tea and biscuits. Isn't she nice. Nanny Linda says we're going flying on a bearoplane tomorrow. Bears can't fly so I wonder what is going to happen?

My first bearger

Today i went for a quick meal with nanny Linda. We went to Bearger King first but it was full so we ended up in Macdonalds. Nanny was in a rush as usual so we did not have a lot. Just time for a little hambearger and some honey.  Yum, yum.